Monday, June 16, 2008

School's Out...*Sigh*

This past Friday officially marked the end of the school year. It's hard to believe that the year is over! We were so worried that we would go crazy with Easter being so early, which meant that we would have to finish the last two and a half months of the school year without a break. However, those ten weeks went by so fast, I'm not sure I honestly believe that I'm done for 10 weeks!

In just a few short days I leave for Croatia! For now, my plan was to finish watching season three of 24. What an amazing show! I came home tonight, watched two episodes, and when I went to switch the dvd I was totally bummed to realized that I had finished the season! I have to borrow season four now from someone! Jack Bauer is definitely my hero!

I'm currently reading A Thousand Splendid Suns. It's by the same author as The Kite Runner. It's a really good book and I'm about half way finished with it. It's better than The Kite Runner, even though it's another historical fiction novel set in Afghanistan. It's quite interesting to read about how much that country has changed, and how much the culture has been affected over the years. I think it's time for me to log off this computer, and go read :-)

On a side note...I can't believe that Tiger won today! It was one of the best golf tournaments I've ever watched! I was rooting for Rocco. He's gone through so many injuries and other stuff that I thought it would be fun for him to win...Plus, our house up north is on Mediate Dr. Named after him :-)

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